Get to know the agent at King & Heath First National Metung.
After holidaying in Metung for decades, Richard and his wife Felicity moved to Metung to open their...
View ProfileRichard was amazing, he managed to get a sale within 2 weeks of us singing up with king and heath and was able to accelerate our settlement which was extremely helpful for all parties. His local knowledge and network of clients meant that we were able to achieve the result we aimed for and we are very happy with the result.
Richard O'Byrne
Richard was pivotal to the sale of our home in Metung, during a difficult marketing period and we are grateful to him. Richard is a thoroughly trustworthy professional and a pleasure to deal with. During our selling period he remained enthusiastic and was always ready to meet and update us and was quick to respond to phone calls. At no stage were we left wondering "what was happening". His knowledge of the market and attention to detail is admirable. We have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone thinking of selling in Metung.
Richard O'Byrne
King & Heath First National Metung has 78 properties for sale and sold 35 properties in the last 12 months, showing 4, sorted by most recent activity
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